Friday, August 08, 2008

Two Market to Market (everlasting style!).....

Well...... completed the finishing touches on the second market bag, everlasting bag!
It was interesting to work with the hemp... in the beginning -- my first reaction to the yarn was: oiy what did I buy? But after working with it... I was hooked! I love the hemp!


And here's the Leftie Dashings that I finished up last night!!! wooo hooo!!! Loving the color!!! Gonna have to get started on the rightie!



I think I will start the back of this bag... and put the dashing project to rest for a little bit.... just to get a break from the same ol' same old. This swapping of projects is keeping things "fresh" and new for me....


~These BALLS of NORO are going to get ZIGGY-ified!!!

WEll, at least I HOPE to be able to do it!! I am going to give it my best shot.... lets just hope that it isn't a misfire! Been looking up tutorials online for toe ups, and magic looping etc.... The internet is such an excellent resource for learning new techniques in knitting!


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