Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Felted........ uh, is this right?

Ok... so, I admit it... I thought the whole felting process was to toss yer project in the washer with your clothes... let it roll --- fling all of it in the dryer... scramble through the clothes later and find the piece you were felting?

Hmmmm...... silly me, decided to READ some sites about felting.... and the agitation but NOT SPINNING..... to keep checking after 5 minutes...etc... til there was no stitch definition... or until it measured the specific project dimensions... well... I sorta kinda think that I CAN still see stitch definition in my NONI thing... AND to be honest... I think if I continue to do these type of projects... I will be having to purchase a new WASHer for the household cuz... let me tell you... I had to keep resetting that puppy far too many times for the agitation cycle.. So much so -that the washer was not the only thing getting agitated!! CROCHETLOCKET was too! grrrrr.... I had to make it difficult, by putting it in the wash with a load... so,.... I had to keep searching for it..... in the hot icky water..PLUS it was in the load that my dd's NEW "booty shorts" for dance were in .. she was hoping for them to SHRINK.... and I am wondering if the lovely little sequined letters D-A-N-C-E are going to be floating around in the rinse cycle??? ... oh well... it's all drying now..... NO don't worry... I did NOT toss the NONI in the dryer.... BUT --- I must confess.... I am undecided at this point.. Guess one could say I'm on the fence..... AND to top it off--- I did NOT make the I cord ..... I was too anxious to get started with the whole felting process, that I didnt want to take any more time to devote to the project.... might find something else for the strap/handle thing..... cuz I dont want to burn out my washer!

Might not even finish the deal..... cuz frankly, I am NOT sure if I am overly fond of the project's finished results.. I will know more tomorrow... once it is dry... AND when I find a suitable zipper! we'll see..... there I go again... A project for the entire PROCESS of knitting...rather than for the PRODUCT!! When will I ever learn?

Now ---once again, i am project- less.... got to find something to busy my hands with!


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